Saturday, July 18, 2009


i follow footsteps to the Water-

it seems i have been here before

the sounds of hushed voices reach shore and fall back to their homes.

we speak like this.

moving in and out of Ourselves-

watching vultures soar

and prey we are if we aren’t aware.

we find ourselves in communications of spirit.

a breeze gliding through the forest

fustling leaves and psychedelic pupil dilated rapture.

we feel it against our skins like an answered prayer;

a glimpse of truth.

fluid and life are abstract in my underwater world-

there is nothing,
(not even weight)

and these shoulders are light and strong and agile

and my essance is that of Hers and We unify and She brings me under Her velvet cloak.
We make love like this
We become each other and G-d is smiling.

i float on my back,

She lulls me to sleep in this kind of motion and my voice collides to shore.
someone else has heard me.
it seems she has been here before.

(a bit of editing needed, but really almost quite there)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Found this in my blog alert for "synchronicity" and it sure reads like something I would have written ... this Sunday I went on a solo mushroom trip, spending a full 5 or 6 hours in the Apple River through sacred land, floating, wading, looking. Meditating on changing Flow, stable Form, and the wonderful interplay betwist the two in which all life and existence dances, like the swirling patterns of the edges of a mandelbrot set. plucked a huge agate fromt he stream saying "this about sums it up," before knowing what I held, flow made form. whooping the word "What!?" heron style, exclamation and interrogation and celebration, all. so much life, on every rock, beneath every leaf, coming up from every dead thing. Toward the end of the trip, a giant death bird flew overhead ... I guess it was a turkey vulture, but it looked like no bird I knew of, and made a creaking sound I have never heard from a bird.

    Thanks for this, looking forward to the rest of your writings.
