Wednesday, April 29, 2009

one more week

i wish you all saw in me what i see in myself.
what a funny form of conceit.
not conceit,
i think,

today was fun. i went out with danielle de barbarac. nicole de loncre; whatever. i have to wake up in less than five hours and go to my last day at my internship... though i spoke to my field advisor and she told me she would find out if the nassau correctional facility (jail) has any social work internships for next semester! i can only hope so much that i get it. i also hopefully (fingers crossed) am setting up another open mic night- this one is only going to be poetry- at a bar. some 32 year old boy also slapped my cigarette out of my hand, which in turn proved to be a fucking HI larious experience when not a moment later danielle slapped him across the face. do you know what i think is funny? something i think most people dont really understand- the fact that someone could be so upset and agitated and angry at something i do or say when i dont give a shit. being such a wonderful person makes me feel bad that i dont care (the funny part) but sometimes the comedic genius overpowers that and i succumb to a primal earthly desire knowing i am better than everyone else. yup. i said it. i love love love making people feel good- but i (secretly) love love love watching certain people crumble in my hands when they deserve it. im turning into a serious brown person. i love the summer. woo woo yeeeee haw.

1 comment:

  1. don't let your lack of faith in humankind get to you that much, there's still some good out there!

    thou shalt not have wrath, but thou shalt smoke trees and laugh.
